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Justice For Noura

Legal Update July 12, 2018

This morning, the Justice For Noura Washington DC Group received a legal update from Nahid Gabralla, director of SEEMA., the organization that has been working closely with Noura and her defense team. SEEMA focuses their efforts  to reduce Gender Based Violence  and related injustices in Sudan. The update is as follows:

"Submission of the appeal to the Supreme Court, seeking Noura’s unconditional freedom

The defense team presented by Mr. Alfateh Husien submitted the appeal to overturn the decision of the appeal court that issued on the 26th of June 2018, which abolished the death sentence, and replaced it with 5 years’ imprisonment and 337,500 blood money. This appeal was submitted to the Supreme Court requesting unconditional freedom to Noura, based on the fact that it was a self-defense case and Noura is a victim of child marriage, forced marriage and marital rape.

 Noura’s case revealed the weakness on the Sudanese laws, and the deficit on protecting women and girl’s victims of violence. We consider abolishing death sentence is a step towards realizing justice, and we hope to end by announcing Noura’s freedom. Otherwise, we will continue in all judicial procedures, up to the Constitutional Court.
Let the campaign continue for law reform and protection of women and girls from violence and violations  #JusticeForNoura "

تسليم مذكرة طعن بالنقض للمحكمة العليا مطالبةً بإلغاء إدانة نورا و إعلان براءتها

قامت هيئة الدفاع بالإنابة عنهم الأستاذ الفاتح حسين بتقديم مذكرة طعن بالنقض لقرار محكمة الإستئناف الصادر بتاريخ 26/6/2018 و الذي نص علي إلغاء عقوبة الإعدام و إدانة نورا حسين بالسجن خمس سنوات و الدية 337500. و قدم هذا الطعن  للمحكمة العليا للمطالبه إلغاء إدانة نورا و إعلان برائتها إستناداُ علي أنها كانت في حالة دفاع عن النفس بعد تعرضها للإعتداءالجنسي و أنها ضحية زواج الأطفال، و الزواج القسري.
 كانت محاكمة نورا فضحاً لضعف القوانين و عجزها عن حماية النساء ضحايا العنف. نحن نعتبر بأن تخفيض العقوبة للسجن خمس سنوات هو خطوة في طريق العدالة التي نأمل أن تتحقق بإعلان براءة نورا، و نأمل أن يأتي قرار المحكمة العليا منصفاً لها و إلا سنواصل في مراحل التقاضي الوطنية وصولاً إلي المحكمة الدستورية.
و لتتواصل الحملات من أجل إصلاح القوانين و حماية النساء و الطفلات من العنف و الإنتهاكات

Thank you for your continued support and standing in solidarity #JusticeForNoura

Justice For Noura, Washington DC

Press Release: June 26, 2018


Earlier today, a team member from within the  Washington, DC Justice For Noura Working group spoke directly with one of Noura’s lead attorneys , Mr. Adil Alimam.  Mr. Alimam confirmed that “The death sentence of Noura Housien under article 130 of the Sudanese criminal code has been reversed and reduced to a sentence of 5 years of imprisonment from the date of Noura’s first detention from May 5, 2017 and a financial penalty of nearly $19,000.00 USD. The deceased’s family has an option of appealing the court’s decision. “


The campaign is content that the death penalty has been removed from the equation, but we acknowledge and understand that there are many uncertainties ahead. We ask--as requested by Noura’s lawyers on her behalf--that no one circulate any alleged photos of her out of respect for her and her family’s safety and privacy. Please note lawyers request  on Noura’s behalf to verify her given consent to of the use of her photo to any organisation or media outlet   Our main priority remains ensuring Noura has the legal, medical, financial, and emotional support she needs during this trying time. To help us achieve this, we invite you to join our team’s efforts in the following steps:


  1. Continue to sign the petition and circulate the story to raise awareness

  2. Continue writing, collecting and sending letters of support to to be delivered to Noura.

  3. Support the legal team and local organizations in Sudan to identify what financial support is required to generate adequate resources to achieve the objective.  

  4. Support local initiatives and organizations working on these vital issues

  5. Check for periodic updates and announcements on  and the official social media pages


Comprehensive funding needs are being evaluated by the campaign team in correspondence with Noura’s team; and a complete list of fund allocation and breakdown will be shared by the team within the coming days.


We are thankful for the overwhelming support from around the world, particularly from Sudanese-led initiatives from the ground and across the diaspora ushering hope to starting the conversation on youth and community engagement. We are grateful for the court’s continued efforts and close consideration of the case. Finally, we would also like to thank everyone who sent a letter of support to Noura received a steady stream of support through your words since May 11, 2018 that lifted her spirits.


Thank you for your continued support and standing in solidarity #JusticeForNoura

© 2018 Justice For Noura, Washington DC Working Group 

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